Skyla was our third girl in a family of 4 children. Malayna and Maycee, the older sisters and Isaiah the baby brother. She was a sweet, goofy, and spunky 5 year old. As Mom, Shannon and Dad, Brian, together with our four blessings from God, we were living life quite 'normally'.
A virus, as it seemed, brought sickness to Skyla and her brother Isaiah. Skyla's temp rose as high as 105 though she never seemed to have any other symptoms. The doctor checked her and Isaiah out and saw nothing abnormal upon exam. Thinking this was a nasty virus that would pass...we waited it out.
Over the next two weeks, Isaiah got better and Skyla's fevers went away. However, Skyla became very pale with little energy. Becoming concerned, we brought her back to the doctors on Tuesday, March 5th, 2013. Blood was taken showing low Hemoglobin, a low white cell count, and low platelets as well as other low blood counts. She was sent right away to the hospital for anemia and was given two blood transfusions. On Thursday, a bone marrow biopsy confirmed she was battling Pre B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. It was March 7, 2013. Skyla underwent treatment with Chemo for the next two and half years. On July of 2015, she was pronounced cancer free! Praise the Lord!!
Skyla fell back in to the routine of life, being the sweet, goofy girl she was. Second grade started and so did the concern over her health. She was becoming sick off and on and bloodwork showed her platelets dropping. The doctors watched her thinking the Chemo brought on the platelet condition as blood work showed no return of the cancer.
In November, we all went on a Make-A-Wish trip...one of the most memorable experiences we had ever had. Skyla was tired much of the trip requiring her to be in a stroller. This was concerning for us. She continued to be watched by the doctors and blood work, in January, showed dropping platelets again. A second bone marrow biopsy on January 13, 2016 confirmed more cancer. This time it was a completely different type of Leukemia, Monosomy 7 AML. A complete and devastating shock to all.
Skyla was sent to Charleston where Chemo began, again, and a bone marrow transplant took place. This was March 22, 2016. She was there for 100 days.
Thirty days after the transplant, a biopsy showed prevailing cancer cells. The cancer continued to grow. Nothing that was given seemed to be working to stop the cancer growth.
As parents, we now had to make the most difficult decision a parent should never have to make. On July 15, 2016 Skyla was brought home to live as long as the Lord allowed. Though living with cancer, our 8 year old girl was able to experience life in a 'normal' fashion. Skyla attended school, had pool parties, rode her hover board and four wheeler. She also danced her heart out!! After an amazing 14 weeks at home, Skyla won her battle with cancer. She was taken to Glory by the Heavenly Father on October 25, 2016. Skyla is now CANCER FREE and SAFE in the ARMS of JESUS.